

Last Friday’s renewal ritual for unsettling was guided by Jera, the rune of time, work, waiting, and harvest to unravel our relationships with our mothers and our relationships with the landsea. Jera is another rune increasingly appropriated by white supremacist neonazi groups. We need to sound it (yh) hold and embody its energies…in order to allow its energies to hold and empower our unsettling politics of liberation.

Many thanks to all the beautiful participants who brought with them trueful energies and questions like: does a tree care where its offspring grows? what is a scar? how do we orient ourselves in walks in forests, outside of settler colonialism? how to figure when to be visible, when invisible, when to preserve, when be vulnerable? Talking to the tree and landsea spirits was amazing and they gave us so many wonderful responses to these questions…And so we invest in a new way of doing-being…a magickal onto-epistemology that accounts for more-than-human societies for an unsettling world without ignoring power relations of race, class, caste, gender, species, geography….