Announcing #WitchcraftIsPolitical Discord General Meetups…every alternate Wednesdays…2000h-2200h GMT/BST. Mark your calendars for the next meetup. Join us for a cosy voice hangout…Discuss themes of witchcraft and magic…what do they mean to you?… In what ways are they political for you?… Decolonise Magick, Unsettle Witchcrafts, Rethink Spirituality… into a new radical era of political worldbuilding as status quos collapse… #WITCHCRAFTISPOLITICAL… Pick discussion themes you are interested in, meet like-minded people, find and create your own magical community in these bleak times… all for the cost of an internet connection!
#9: Possibilities and Limits at the Intersection of Magic & Technology (12/06/24)
#10: Theme TBD (26/06/24)
#8: Silent Divination & Spiritual Passage Against Genocide (29/05/24)
#7: Spirit and Strategy for Dreaming an Alt-Left Magical Movement (15/05/24)
#6: Disrupting Alt-Right Pipelines in Witchy and Pagan Communities (01/05/24)
#5: Land Injustice and Colonialism in Magical Communities (17/04/24)
#4: Practices and Politics of Tarot Divination (03/04/24)
#3: Queerness, Body, and Witchcrafts (20/03/24)
#2: Land Relations, Witchcrafts, and Politics (06/03/24)
#1: Witchcrafts, Magic, and Politics (21/02/24)