Under the Spring waxing moon of Virgo, WOLFLAND is a call to refract upon and nurture our relationship with the Wolf, who guided human arrival to this island all those millenia ago. Although now physically decimated from England by the oppressive force of settler cultures, the Wolf still lives in this land and within us as the tense boundary between civilisation and wild nature. The Wolf is territorial, embodied in boundaries, it belongs to the reality of the Hunt and Survival on Earth, not the unbounded New Age settler spiritualism of everything is everything. In this ritual, we shall be guided by land-based play a.k.a. divination to descend into a trancelike dreaming in a particular territory, near the London Bridge, the river that was tamed. In this descent, we shall humbly request to meet the Wolf, to witness its wounds, to listen, and to feel our displaced bodies as an extension of this land in kinship with the Wolf.
I was a stranger, born this time in the tropics, vowed never to visit the coloniser’s land
But the Wolf dragged me here, Powerful
The coloniser cannot own any land, nor proclaim victory in genocide, cowardly pillage
Settler certainties must be unsettled.
The Wolf thus spoke: fuck nations, fuck race, fuck gender and the heteronormative family
All settler delusions that colour you an outsider, Your body belongs to this land
your body is this land…
And a whole new landscape was revealed under an earthy moon: forested bogs, singing fish, wild flowing rivers
in a singular unwavering yellow stare… i was it, it was me
Conversation without words.
Please join us if you have felt a connection with the Wolf. It is time again for interdimensional travel, to burrow openings in peripheries of what feels like totalising violence.
This ritual of WOLFLAND is being offered in collaboration with Lunarrr Playgroundz and Ugly Duck in London, England.
Lunarrr Playgroundz is an experimental open coven that tries to offer safe(r) spaces of spiritual inquiry, transformation and healing for the queer community and its wonderful allies. It is hosted on a bi-monthly basis by Ugly Duck— an arts organisation that supports under-represented voices and emerging artists.
Lunarrr Playgroundz unfolds through ritual-workshops in accordance with the phases of the moon. It is curated by the main facilitator ByuKa (they/ them), as well as by invited guest queer magic practitioners, and offers a container of queer magic for the queer community and its allies. To learn more, please follow their Instagram page.
* diane grew up in settler cultures, does not claim any Indigenous lineages and the word ‘shamanic’ here is not intended to denote connections to any African, Indigenous or Black traditions of shamanic journeying.