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The following text has been made available by The Unsettling Cabal as part of their ongoing initiative titled The Break Room: Unsettling Lore for Crumbling Worlds. This initiative seeks to further the aims of the Cabal to “discover, collect, collate, digitize, and disseminate the diverse and mystical records of The Long Unsettling in the east of Atlantic.”

Fragment in 𒀯𒋦𒈧 mul-SUḪUR.MAŠ

Southern Skies, The Path of Ea

The Sign of the Mountain and Disappeared Rivers

Title: The Break Room

Subtitle: mysteries in the Lilith (sic)

Dated: Year 17022 (Solarian Calendar)

Source: die-arai-stiftung-archives/provenance-posthuman-psychogeographies/category-ecotheology/folio-011/vol-I-the-break-room

Author: unknown